Standardized Patient User Guide

For easy access to information about the Standardized Patient Program, services and practices, the SPP team has made revisions to the Standardized Patient User Guide and has created four easy to read modules.

The objective for creating four modules is for SPs to have quick access to relevant information e.g. SP practices, payroll information, project recruitment and assignment process, and safety information in simulation. Below are links to the SP User Guide modules:

Module 1: About the Standardized Patient Program

Module 1 includes information on the Standardized Patient Program, University of Toronto Diversity Statement, Information on what is a Standardized Patient? In addition, The SPP Services, Reporting Structure, and SP Expectations.  

Module 2: SP Selection and Recruitment

Module 2 includes information on SPs in Medical Education, Selection and Recruitment practice and process, SP Training, Rotations, Use of SP Alternates, Support Staff, OSCE and Assessments, and Project Recruitment Email and Confirmation Templates.

Module 3: SP Compensation and Shift Cancellation

Module 3 includes information on how are SPs compensated, Shift Cancellation, Bi-weekly Payroll Schedule for 2025 as well as information on the SP Newsletter, Bulletin Board, Collection of Personal Information, and FAQs.         

Module 4: SP Health and Safety Work Practices                                        

Module 4 includes information on Basic Health and Safety training, SPP Safe Work Practices and Guidelines for physical invasive examinations e.g. Breast Exams, Urology Exams, and Transvaginal Ultrasound Exams.